keskiviikko 31. elokuuta 2016

Export restrictions

For some reason I keep hitting this wall these days. Some time ago I encountered dual use-restrictions when ordering a common MCU, and now I ran into same issue when trying to order a equally common Bluetooth module. In case of Bluetooth this is (my educated guess) because it uses frequency hopping, which actually would be valid reason - if the module wouldn't be fully integrated consumer level device.

Like so many "anti-communist" and "anti-terror" things originating from US (and UK), this would be friggin' hilarious if it weren't actually making my life so much more difficult, forcing me to try to find local sources for such components. And at the same time these same countries (semi-)publicly ship advanced weapons systems to nations known for practicing terrorism. Talk about hypocrisy...

Oh well, US has been out of my list for "places I plan to visit someday" for years now (to be more exact, ever since surrendering to terrorism, in form of Patriot act and other similar anti-freedom legislations during last 15 or so years.)  This is very unfortunate, but as long as their government keeps being hostile to everyone (their own citizensconsumers included), I'll visit damn North Korea first - at least they seems more hospitable place to visit.

Not that NK is very high on my "places to visit first" list either, mind you.

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