perjantai 24. helmikuuta 2017

I can't advertise my site?

I haven't really tried web advertising before, mainly because the business we're in is pretty specialized. Until now, as I now happen to have a product that might be of wider interest (Eltrip-55 driving log - sorry, English pages are out of date or nonexistent at the moment) - and it's pretty much impossibly to find without some advertising effort.

So, I start creating adsense account, make simple ad template and when it's done...

Not allowed due to bad words?!? (yeah, sorry, this is in Finnish, but if you are familiar with adWords the meaning here is very likely very clear to you)

"Trippi" of course is Finnish slang to drug trip, so I can see why that would be an issue. The problem is that this is our domain - - that got triggered; word "trippi" wasnt't in the ad text at all. And the content itself is perfectly safe and legal. We have also had the domain for some 20 years now, so I'm not gonna change it now.

Well, I requested this to be manually reviewed, let's see what happens...

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