perjantai 16. lokakuuta 2020

Email (not!)

Last evening, maybe around 20 or 21 clock, I checked my mail (mainly to get rid of spam, I try to not reply but to shortest and clearest messages on evenings) and tried to send a quick reply, which failed. Server had went down for whatever reason (probably server was already down by that time; laptop very likely had loaded those few messages on standby earlier on evening)

Now, some 16 hours later the email is still down.

You never realize how often you need something until it's gone - albeit this is but temporary problem, but nevertheless. 

"Good, new software build works, I'll just email the details [to a guy] for testing... awwdamnit"

"So I'll just open the mail which had device serial  numbers I need to...crap"

And so on. Over and over again today.

(side note; I absolutely hate Slack (which I only used briefly for a side project once, fortunately) and other similar online messenger type software for work; there is implicit requirement of responding right now which is really disturbing for my work flow)

Not a rant (above tangent aside). It's just a bummer not being able to do so many things due to old, but apparently all-so-critical tool being unavailable. 

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