torstai 16. helmikuuta 2017


I've been close to drowning in junk (e)mails lately. All are essentially same; offer for pretty nice paying, remote work. And of course all these are from random persons, and links provided point to random sites. How very surprising...*eyeroll*

Previous similar spam invasion (different topic, that time being mainly malware-distribution) died off some time ago. With same M.O.; essentially same content from many, many addresses. One would think that anyone with IQ better than fairly dumb boot would realize that there is something wrong when getting same message from multiple sources, but unfortunately bounds of human stupidity do not appear to exist.

But back to current invasion, these links seem to point to random wordpress sites (based on URLs, I haven't tried to open any of the links). There was just some news about wordpress sites being infected lately, I wouldn't be surprised if these were connected to that.

Now, from another source I learned that these "job offers" are apparently "real" - you'll be laundering drug-related (and other illegal goods) money. And since you, being nothing but simple, disposable mule, are very likely the first person where the money is transferred, which means that you will be very easy to track out by law enforcement. Just don't go there, please, you'll save yourself a lot of pain (depending on your location, possibly even in literal sense...)

Meanwhile, I hope this current spam wave will die out so I don't have huge pile of email cleanup waiting me every morning... Spam tools of course take care of some of those, but not all, unfortunately. And since this work mail we're talking about, I can't allow automatic cleaning to be completely unmonitored.

But I have a feeling that then the next wave, just with different scam will be arriving to drown out my inbox...

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