perjantai 10. heinäkuuta 2015

Should we use water cooling?

Just a short anecdote this time about cooling.

Long time ago I worked for a device manufacturer that dealt with fairly spesialized and as a result fairly expensive devices. Work was quite interesting and I also learned a lot about things that I wouldn't have in some other line of work ever touched as a software developer.

While some software people seem to have serious attitude issues with dealing with hardware, I have always preferred to be generalist myself. After all, when you know what is going on "under the hood" figuring out why the software doesn't (or does) work becomes much, much easier. And you don't have to ask about every detail from hardware folks, which they will appreciate too. As a result of this I eventually found myself dealing with, well, almost everything related to devices I worked with.

At some point we had some serious issues with main processor overheating due to insufficient air flow. As usual, this was after some changes (previous vendor EOL'd their processor and we had to source replacement with a very short notice). So here we are, handful of engineers trying to figure out how to solve this issue, with typical constraints of costs and schedules (after all, we had devices already sold that needed to be delivered soon).

So someone mentioned that we could build a liquid (water) cooling system to transfer heat from main processor to a location where it could be dissipated more easily.

At this point the person who was responsible for customer contact said (to paraphrase a bit); "I do not want to receive a call at 3 AM from customer saying that our device just wet itself."

Water cooling was never mentioned again.

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